Business Data Exchange platform.
Platform which enables parties in different branches to exchange messages.
Centric has more than 35 year experience in connecting parties and transforming data.
Outbound eInvoices | Date |
Peppol BIS | Yes |
Other formats | |
EDIFACT/X12/Tradacom | Yes |
UBL XML | Yes |
Any other format | Yes |
Inbound eInvoices | |
Peppol BIS | Yes |
Other formats | |
EDIFACT/X12/Tradacom | Yes |
UBL XML | Yes |
Any other format | Yes |
Other streams | |
ORDERS, DESADV, INVRPT, INSDES, OSTRPT, PRICAT. All Peppol supported message types. UBL any message type. Any format | Yes |