An introduction to e-Invoicing



This site will take you through the concept of electronic invoicing, or e-Invoicing, its future applications and what it means for you.

Whether you are a company manager, public service employee, accountant or programmer, electronic invoicing concerns you. Designed by the Federal Public Service Strategy and Support, this website is intended as a hub for all actors involved in e-Invoicing.

Electronic invoicing: a major innovation

For decades, information technologies have been reinventing our daily lives. They gradually eliminate tedious tasks, allow us to optimise processes by making them paperless or even to access information more easily.

Electronic invoicing or e-Invoicing is part of this evolution. Bringing it into widespread use is a technological, economic and social challenge.  It is the precursor of Web 3.0, a new level in the implementation of more collaborative, intelligent and, ultimately, more useful machines.

A deceptive subject

Electronic invoicing consists of the complete automation of the invoicing process, from the issuance of the invoice by the supplier to its archiving by the customer.

Put in that way, it sounds pretty simple. Deceptively so, as, on closer examination, you will discover that electronic invoicing is a very broad subject. It covers a multitude of stages, scenarios, variants, sectors, economic and financial actors... It is also a constantly evolving subject.

All this makes rolling out e-Invoicing on a large scale complex and slow. However, the automated processing of the one billion invoices exchanged each year in Belgium would generate annual efficiency gains of around € 3.5 billion!

What will you find on this site?

Comprehensive, transparent, neutral, up-to-date and relevant information about e-Invoicing. This site will help you better understand e-Invoicing, discriminate between fact and fiction, and decide how to get the most out of it.

We have designed this site as a hub, making it easier for you to access the host of relevant information already available on the Internet. It also includes a directory of concrete solutions, building on the information currently available on the market.

Our partners

Our partners are public and private organisations that are also involved in e-Invoicing and have kindly agreed to be associated with this site. They may be administrations, federations (sectoral or other) or IT solution providers. This collaboration allows our site to better fulfil its information mission. A link in the top menu of our website allows you to consult our list of partners. 

Where to start?

In order to facilitate your browsing experience, you can consult this site by selecting the target group that best matches your profile and thus directly access the content that directly concerns you.

Enjoy your visit!

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